
환경 / 생태(~09/18) [재단법인 그린피스] 시민캠페이너 채용합니다

조회수 528

채용 사이트: https://www.greenpeace.org/korea/about/hiring/

Greenpeace is a non-profit environmental organization with a presence in 40 countries. We expose global environmental problems and force positive changes through research, lobbying and non-violent direct action. We are now calling on brave and inspiring individuals to join our team to make positive change that this world desperately needs.

시민참여 캠페이너

[업무 내용]

• 온오프라인 행사 기획 및 진행, 대행사 관리

• 자원봉사자 및 시민 참여 프로그램 개발

• 자원봉사자 모집 관련 홍보 및 마케팅

• 자원봉사자 응대, 개인정보 및 이력관리

[지원 자격]

온오프라인 행사기획 및 운영 혹은 시민 참여 활동 조직 및 운영 경력 1년 이상, 원활한 의사소통 능력 및 문제 해결 역량을 보유하신 분


- MICE, 전시, 컨벤션 등 관련 경력자 우대

- SNS 채널, 온라인 라이브 등 경험자 우대

- 자원봉사 경험이 있거나 시민참여활동에 대한 관심이 높은 분

- 기후변화 등 환경 분야에 대한 관심이 높은 분

- 배우고자 하는 열망이 강한 분

- 영어 가능자(하) 우대

[입사 후 담당 업무 및 지원내용]

입사 초기에는 국제 환경 단체 그린피스의 주요 환경 캠페인에 대한 이해도를 높일 수 있도록 교육이 단계적으로 이뤄질 예정입니다. 이후 캠페인 다양한 시민참여 활동 및 오프라인 행사를 함께 기획하고 진행할 수 있도록 적극적인 지원을 할 예정입니다.


- 근무시간 : 09:30~18:00 (1일 총 7.5시간 근무(30분 단축근무), 주 37.5시간 근무)

- *work & life balance*를 중요시하며, 야근과 회식을 강요하는 조직문화가 아닙니다.

- 4대보험/퇴직금/단체상해보험/건강검진(30만원상당)/통신비(월4만원이상)/영어교육이 지원됩니다.

- 연차 이외에도 눈치안보는 출산전후휴가, 육아휴직, 경조휴가, 유급병가(최대30일), 재택근무(최대 월12회), 공휴일 중복시 다음 근무일 휴가가 있습니다

*영문 이력서(CV)와 영문 자기 소개서(Cover letter) 제출 필수

*이메일이나 페이스북 메신저를 통한 지원은 받지 않습니다.

@@ 지원기간과 관계없이 조기채용 될 수 있으니 빠른 지원 부탁드립니다.


Overall purpose of the job

The overall aim of Greenpeace’s community engagement is to help win our campaigns and strengthen our connection with society. This position contributes to those aims by supporting communities in winning specific project aims, providing opportunity for volunteers to participate in Greenpeace activities and helping Greenpeace be visibly active in the world.


The Community Outreach Campaigner works with project teams to identify, develop and implement strategic opportunities for community engagement activities to advance specific project objectives.

The position is also responsible for systems, processes and activities that develop and maintain an active relationship with willing volunteers that wish to get involved in supporting the mission of Greenpeace. It works with online engagement, fundraising and actions team to provide an integrated supporter journey for Greenpeace financial and non-financial supporter,. and to strengthen the role of people power in making change.

The Community Outreach Campaigner should be aware of external trends in community engagement in their local area, as well as emerging ideas and practises domestically and internationally.


Conceptual tasks and Strategy development

Work with Greenpeace project teams to identify opportunities for volunteers to contribute to campaign and organisational objectives

Work with Greenpeace project teams to identify strategically influential communities and develop strategies that enable them to work toward specific project goals

In conjunction with other teams, ensure opportunities for volunteering are an integrated part of the wider organisation supporter journey


Work with project-identified communities to encourage and support their involvement in specific campaigns

Recruit volunteers with the commitment to the objectives and values of Greenpeace

Implement volunteer engagement systems to efficiently manage their engagement in Greenpeace’s operations. Maintain, evaluate and where necessary adapt these systems to improve their effectiveness.

Manage volunteer aspects of Greenpeace related activities as required

Maintain an active relationship with volunteers through regular communication and by providing consistent opportunities for involvement

Network with relevant local ngo’s and community as required

Experiment with innovative tactics that build support and amplify impact to inspire others.

Monitor/Evaluate the performance of community engagement activities and wider program


Support communities to develop relevant knowledge or skills that enable their participation in campaigns

Provide coaching/training to volunteers as necessary

Ensure Greenpeace staff recognise how community engagement can be beneficial in achieving campaign and organizational goals

Compliance/ Keeping Framework Conditions

Manage budget designated for managing community outreach programs

Ensure that the community outreach program complies with Greenpeace policies and relevant laws

Competency Profile 

  1. Take responsibility and initiative 3
  2. Coordinate & Implement Plans 3
  3. Demonstrate Resilience 3
  4. Work with others 3
  5. Influence Others 3
  6. Build Support 3
  7. Build Networks 3
  8. Champion for Change 2
  9. Critical thinking 2
  10. Make decisions 1
  11. Resolve Conflict 1
  12. Act with Integrity 3

Expertise required

Volunteer recruitment and management

Event logistics

Work environment

The position works in a standard office environment, and is required to travel to other Greenpeace offices, campaign locations or locations where environmental problems require the presence of Greenpeace representatives.

Often works after hours and on weekends to allow for volunteers availability


모집기간(~9/18)과 관계없이 적당한 후보자 있을경우 면접을 진행하므로 빠른 지원 부탁드립니다. 


영문이력서와 자기소개서 제출

이력서에 희망연봉 기재

각종 증빙서류는 서류전형 합격 후 제출 


홈페이지 접수


채용문의 : rkr@greenpeace.org 

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